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Analytics, Social Media Marketing & Communications For You,

Assessments & Rewards For Them

Compile the data that matters most to your business
while staying in constant contact with your members.

Reward members for marketing your business.

Evaluate your members' performance
while rewarding their achievements.

Analytics + Communication + Social Media Marketing + Incentives = GROWTH


Understand your customers, their behaviors, or the frequency and pattern of particular events of interest within your business. Automatically capture and report on customer and staff attendance, activity, and acheivements, or other business events automatically as they occur. Detect trends and opportunities to boost revenue, retain customers, and view patterns in behavior.


Stay in constant contact with your customers - send email and text messages to particular member groups immediately or on a schedule to keep them showing up on time and apprised of what is happening and when.


Send custom progress reports easily to keep employees, students, parents etc. up-to-date about their progress and advancements.


Find alternative solutions with the most cost effective or highest achievable performance for events, by maximizing desired factors and minimizing undesired factors which impact your bottom line and get the results you want. Compare patterns across your marketing campaigns, business locations, customer types, customer groups, staff members or business partners.


Recognize and motivate effort and behavior by rewarding points for accomplishing tasks and or activities to build up to a predetermined goal. Set custom reward levels based on those goals achieved.

Gain new customers, promote customer longevity, increase average customer spending, and win past customers back with the data, analysis, and incentive tools you need to actually move the needle.